
How About Wisconsin's Industrial Sector!

Posted by Peter Scherrer on Sep 4, 2018 1:14:52 PM in Construction Division, Our Work, News

We’ve seen a sustained growth in the industrial sector PSG serves in southeast Wisconsin. And this growth has put pressure on facility capabilities for production, warehousing, and shipping functions. Here are some things you should consider if you’re facing these challenges:

Assemble the Right Team.

  • Assemble a team of persons within your organization with experience in various areas of your operation to work on this initiative. PSG leads this planning processing and we see a variety of roles represented: Owners, Facility Directors, Accountants, Plant Managers, Warehouse Managers, Maintenance Personnel and so on.
  • Be prepared to find the time to participate in this process and provide support to your selected personnel to serve on the team. PSG does a lot of the “heavy-lifting” but their participation is critical to success.

Plan Thoroughly.

  • Start at 30,000 feet and explore various options. This might include options for additions and remodeling/repurposing spaces. It may include acquisition of an existing building or a new construction solution. PSG facilitates dialogue as ideas are explored. Those ideas are vetted and lead to research and cost projections to support informed decision making.
  • Remember to account for impact on current operations. Remodeling/repurposing of existing spaces can impact how production and shipping operations are maintained. A new location, acquired or built, will need to address relocation, timing, and expense.

Start Now.

  • This takes time and getting ready now will put you ahead of the curve.
  • Don’t underestimate how long it takes to make decisions. There will be much to consider and adequate time for evaluation of options will be needed.
  • It’s a busy time out there and due diligence, design, and permitting are taking longer than many of us are used to. State plan review staffs are working hard but have a backlog of projects to get through. Getting review dates scheduled early and working to those dates is important.
  • Be aware of lead times. Different building systems and components can have extensive delivery lead times, again due to the demand in the marketplace. This can influence selections and identify long-lead items for early ordering.